How Testosterone Affects Men

Testosterone is a sex hormone that has several functions within the body, both for males and females. However, the hormone plays a much more vital role in the development of men, both physically and emotionally.

Testosterone and its effectiveness largely depend on how it is converted into a type of estrogen. An improper balance of testosterone within the body of men will have severe repercussions. This is why scientists and researchers opted to create a drug substitute, introduced around the 1930s. However, its effects and drawbacks were not yet fully understood. Today, with decades of testosterone clinical trials in Power, the hormone can now be prescribed to men who need the proper balance of testosterone in their body, as there is a concerning amount of men whose bodies can not produce sufficient amounts.

Though the specifics and variations of how testosterone levels behave within the body remain a bit of a mystery. Different men will produce testosterone at different rates, and trying to correlate the levels to medical conditions has become rather difficult for scientists to do accurately.

One thing is clear, and it is that testosterone does a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to male body functions, and improper amounts of it can mean a lot of trouble. Therefore, it is best that men of all ages are knowledgeable about the roles that testosterone has on their body’s development and behavior.

How Testosterone Affects Men

Testosterone, being the primary sex hormone for men, plays a vital role in reproduction and development. Some of these include:

  • The overall health of the penis and the testicles
  • The deepening of voice during puberty
  • The development of pubic hair and facial hair, as well as other hair-related development later in life.
  • Muscle density and strength.
  • Strengthening bones.
  • Maintaining and having libido (sexual desire)
  • A healthy production of sperm.

Puberty, for a lot of men across the globe, is the period of time where they are supposed to be in touch with their masculinity. Exploring it and experiencing it should be a must as the moment that male teenagers do not have normal masculinization, they may experience isolation and discrimination from peers and family. This may lead to self-esteem issues, self-image issues, and other mental burdens.

Testosterone also has a major role in the emotions of men, with research showing that testosterone levels within the body are linked to mental states of mind. A lower testosterone level may be linked to mood swings, stress, and even depression.

When it comes to the sexual function of testosterone, you can not leave out the pituitary gland, as it is responsible for telling the testes to produce the hormone. Considred as the body’s messenger, the pituitary gland send signals into the blood that makes the testicles produce sperm and testosterone. This then returns back into the brain, which increases a man’s libido or sexual drive.

The hormone also allows the penis to stay healthy in order to maintain a full and functioning erection. Moreover, testosterone puts men in a deep sexual drive, making things seem more sexually attractive. All in all, testosterone is the major player when it comes to sexual attraction.

A male may have low testosterone either due to lifestyle choices. Men may also have certain medical conditions that directly affect either the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, or testicles.

Hypogonadism is a condition wherein the body can not produce a sufficient amount of testosterone in order to maintain its functions. Just as we mentioned above, this occurs when there is an issue involving the testicle or the pituitary gland. This means a big bump in the road for masculine development and a delay in puberty. Prolonged cases of hypogonadism may result in infertility, lack of sexual drive, and being physically weak and fatigued.

Alcohol and drudge abuse can accelerate this condition, and other medical conditions may have this as a side effect, such as liver cirrhosis, kidney failure, and HIV.

Low testosterone levels may mean that the male experiences:

  • Underdeveloped genitalia.
  • Delay in puberty.
  • Lack of masculine qualities such as larger muscle mass, more body hair, and a deeper voice.
  • A decrease in energy.
  • Unstable emotional states.
  • Insomnia.
  • Fertility issues.
  • Low sex drive.
  • Unable to maintain a full and prolonged erection.
  • A lower sperm count.
  • Enlarged breasts..
  • Loss of muscle and bone strength.

When it comes to the male body, testosterone may perhaps be the most important hormone. If masculinity is important to you, then you need to be aware of the symptoms of low testosterone as well as keep track of how to maintain a healthy amount. Moreover, we hope that you realize that testosterone is not only responsible for giving you a rocking body, but it has a lot to do with your emotional state as well, so do not neglect that aspect as it may affect your life more than having a high-pitched voice.

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